Instructions for In Person Attendees
To obtain Session Materials
1. Find and click on the session of interest.
2. Click on the “Handouts” tab (if there is one). If there is no Handouts tab, there is no handout. Some presenters may have paper handouts available at their session.
3. Please note that many handouts were provided as PowerPoint files. Whether your device (computer, phone or tablet) attempts to open or save the file depends on the settings of your own device.
To Provide your Review of the Session
1. Login with the username (the email you used to register) and password emailed to you by APFM on November 6.
2. Click on the “Contents” tab.
3. Click on “Survey”
4. Click on “Fill out Survey” button
To Obtain a Session Attendance Certificate
1. Follow steps 1-4 above for Leaving a Review. You must leave a review before you may obtain a certificate.
2. Click on Certificate.
3. View/print Certificate.
Wednesday, November 6th
Registration (Mann Foyer) 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Thursday, November 7th
Exhibitor Setup (Mann Foyer) 7:00 am – 8:00 am
Registration (Mann Foyer) 7:00 am - on-going
Continental Breakfast (Mann Foyer) 7:30 am - 8:30 am
Keynote/General Session (Mann) 8:30 am - 9:45 am
Mediating Dangerously: The Frontiers of Family Conflict Resolution
Speaker: Ken Cloke
Break (Mann Foyer) 9:45 am - 10:00 am
Breakout Sessions 10:00 am - 11:40 am
Breakout 1 — A (Part 1)
The Logic of Emotions in Divorce: How to Mediate Anger, Fear, Grief and Shame
Speaker: Ken Cloke
Topic: Mediation
Location: Mann
Breakout 1 — B (Part 1)
Using Mediation to Help Couples Stay Married
Speaker: Ken Neumann and John Fiske
Topic: Mediation
Location: Smoot
Breakout 1 — C (Standalone)
Beginning Forensics for CDFA Holders
Speaker: Nancy Hetrick
Topic: Financial
Location: Summer 1
Breakout 1 — D (Standalone)
Speaker: Kate Fanger
Topic: Mediation
Location: Mahoney
Breakout 1 — E (Standalone)
Working Together Better-Stronger Team Dynamics
Speaker: Jeffrey Fink, Linda Cohan
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Summer 2
Lunch (Mann Foyer) 11:45 am - 12:45 pm
Working Lunch 11:50 am - 12:40 pm
Home Equity, Silver Divorce and Financial Planning
Speaker: Bonny Gilbert
Breakout Sessions 12:50 pm - 2:30 pm
Breakout 1 — A (Part 2)
The Logic of Emotions in Divorce: How to Mediate Anger, Fear, Grief and Shame
Speaker: Ken Cloke
Topic: Mediation
Location: Mann
Breakout 1 — B (Part 2)
Using Mediation to Help Couples Stay Married
Speaker: Ken Neumann and John Fiske
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Smoot
Breakout 2 — C (Standalone)
Adjudicative Creep: The Practitioner's Field Guide to "Invasive Species" in ADR Processes
Speaker: Alex Glassman and Steve Erickson
Topic: Mediation
Location: Summer 2
Breakout 2 — D (Standalone)
Creative College Planning Resolutions
Speaker: Beth Aarons, Justin Kelsley and Rick Fingerman
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Summer 1
Breakout 2 — E (Standalone)
Intimate Partner Violence and Mediation: Can Unequal Parties Have Equal Footing?
Speaker: Stephanie E. Goldenhersh, Esq.
Topic: Mediation
Location: Mahoney
PM Break #1 (Mann Foyer) 2:30 pm - 2:45 pm
Breakout Sessions 2:50 pm - 4:30 pm
Breakout 3 — A (Standalone)
Women in Mediation and Financial Planning
Speaker: Amanda Singer, Vicki Shemin, Donna Petrucelli, Kristyn Carmichael, Cheryl Glazer and Marilyn Mcknight
Topic: Mediation
Location: Mann
Breakout 3 — B (Standalone)
Speaker: Paul Fair and Robert Bordett
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Summer 1
Breakout 3 — C (Standalone)
Managing Student Loans in Divorce
Speaker: Adam Minsky
Topic: Financial
Location: Summer 2
Breakout 3 — D (Standalone)
Financial Challenges in Mediating a Grey Divorce
Speaker: Renee Senes
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Mahoney
Breakout 2 — E (Standalone)
Speaker: Forrest "Woody" Mosten
Topic: Mediation
Location: Smoot
PM Break #2 (Mann Foyer) 4:30 pm - 4:45 pm
Breakout Sessions 4:50 pm - 6:30 pm
Breakout 4 — A (Standalone)
Mediating Divorces Involving Children with Autism
Speaker: Lawrence Jones and Ken Neumann
Topic: Mediation
Location: Smoot
Breakout 4 — B (Standalone)
Ethical Dilemmas when Mediators, Lawyers & Financial Planners Share Clients
Speaker: Chris Chen Moderating, Panel: Marguerita Cheng, Jeffrey Fink and Shawn Weber
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Mahoney
Breakout 4 — C (Standalone)
Innovative & Strategic Use of Neutrals in Mediation
Speaker: Karen Levitt, Karen Ela Kenny, Susan Miller
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Mann
Breakout 4 — D (Standalone)
Mediation on the Shoulders of the Bible and Talmud
Speaker: Carl Viniar
Topic: Mediation
Location: Summer 2
Breakout 4 — E (Standalone)
Modernizing the Family Practice
Speaker: Barbara Manousso
Topic: Practice Management
Location: Summer 1
Friday, November 8th
Continental Breakfast (Mann Foyer) 7:30 am - 8:30 am
Breakfast Session 7:35 am - 8:25 am
Long-term Care Consequences with Divorce Are Real: What is Your Plan?
Speaker: Rona Loshak, MBA, CLTC and Natalie Karp, MBA, CLTC
Keynote/General Session (Mann) 8:30 am - 9:45 am
What Makes People Tick: A Divorce Professional’s Guide to Our Multiple Parts
Speaker: David Hoffman
AM Break (Mann Foyer) 9:45 am - 10:00 am
Breakout Sessions 10:00 am - 11:40 am
Breakout 5 — A (Part 1)
Child Support Account - The Core of the Elegant Solution
Speaker: Marilyn McKnight and Stephen Erickson
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Smoot
Breakout 5 — B (Part 1)
Generational to Generation: Critical Conversations about Family Mediation
Speaker: Moderators; Michael Aurit & Jim Melamed; Panel: Amanda Singer, Justin Kesley, Dina Haddad, Chip Rose, Jocelyn Wurzburg and Don Saposnek
Topic: Mediation
Location: Mann
Breakout 5 — C (Standalone)
Therapeutic Apologies for Difficult Family Situations
Speaker: Robin M. Deutsch, Ph.D., ABPP
Topic: Mediation
Location: Mahoney
Breakout 5 — D (Standalone)
Meeting the (Big) Challenges of "Blended Families"
Speaker: Patricia Papernow
Topic: Mediation
Location: Summer 1
Breakout 5 — E (Standalone)
Social Security and Retirement Planning: A Hit or Myth Proposition
Speaker: Kurt Czarnowski
Topic: Financial
Location: Summer 2
APFM/MCFM Lunch and Awards (Mann)11:45 am - 12:45 pm
ADFP Lunch Meeting (Summer 1)11:45 am - 12:45 pm
Breakout Sessions 12:50 pm - 2:30 pm
Breakout 5 — A (Part 2)
Child Support Account - The Core of the Elegant Solution
Speaker: Marilyn McKnight and Steve Erickson
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Smoot
Breakout 5 — B (Part 2)
Generational to Generation: Critical Conversations about Family Mediation
Speaker: Moderators; Michael Aurit & Jim Melamed; Panel: Amanda Singer, Justin Kesley, Dina Haddad, Chip Rose, Jocelyn Wurzburg and Don Saposnek
Topic: Mediation
Location: Mann
Breakout 6 — C (Standalone)
Divorce and Special Needs: Defining the Best Interests of the Child
Speaker: Cynthia Haddad
Topic: Mediation
Location: Mahoney
Breakout 6 — D (Standalone)
Navigating Divorce Ambivalence with Integrity
Speaker: Rachel Zamore
Topic: Mediation
Location: Summer 1
Breakout 6 — E (Standalone)
Speaker: Lili Vasileff
Topic: Financial
Location: Summer 2
PM Break #1 (Mann Foyer) 2:30 pm - 2:40 pm
Breakout Sessions 2:40 pm - 4:20 pm
Breakout 7 — A (Standalone)
Speaker: Don Saposnek
Topic: Mediation
Location: Mann
Breakout 7 — B (Standalone)
Show Me the Money: Creating Liquidity from Business Assets
Speaker: Ivy Menchel and Michael Garibaldi
Topic: Financial
Location: Summer 1
Breakout 7 — C (Standalone)
Following Up with the Client Post Divorce
Speaker: Sandy Voit
Topic: Financial
Location: Summer 2
Breakout 7 — D (Standalone)
Innovating from Elder Mediation's Hybrid Approach
Speaker: Crystal Thorpe
Topic: Mediation
Location: Mahoney
Breakout 7 — E (Standalone)
From QDRO to COAP and RBCO: Decoding the World of Federal Pensions
Speaker: Steve Abel
Topic: Mediation
Location: Smoot
PM Break #2 (Mann Foyer) 4:20 pm - 4:30 pm
Breakout Sessions 4:30 pm - 6:10 pm
Breakout 8 — A (Standalone)
Unraveling the Mysteries of Valuation
Speaker: Michael Garibaldi
Topic: Financial
Location: Summer 1
Breakout 8 — B (Standalone)
How to Earn a Living as a Family Mediator
Speaker: Virginia Colin, Michael Aurit, Barry Davis, Justin Kelsey, Crystal Thorpe and Carl Viniar
Topic: Marketing
Location: Smoot
Breakout 8 — C (Standalone)
The Story Behind the Story, or Human First
Speaker: Richard Barbieri
Topic: Mediation
Location: Summer 2
Breakout 8 — D (Standalone)
Speaker: Don Saposnek and Chip Rose
Topic: Mediation
Location: Mann
Breakout 8 — E (Standalone)
Estate Planning Issues for Mediators
Speaker: Melinda Milberg
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Mahoney
Saturday, November 9th
Continental Breakfast (Mann Foyer) 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Breakfast Session 8:10 am - 9:00 am
Speaker: Judy Herbst and Marguerita Cheng, CFP, RICP
Breakout Sessions 9:00 am - 10:40 am
Breakout 9 — A (Part 1)
Radical Candor and Other Communication Strategies
Speaker: Kathryn Lazar and Allison Bell
Topic: Mediation
Location: Mann 1 &2
Breakout 9 — B (Part 1)
Mediating Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
Speaker: Laurie Israel
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Smoot
Breakout 9 — C (Standalone)
Mediation and Financial Planning
Speaker: John Fiske, Karen Cohen, Susan Miller & Renee Senes
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Mahoney
Breakout 9 — D (Standalone)
Understanding the Small Business
Speaker: David Goodman
Topic: Financial
Location: Summer 1
Breakout 9 — E (Standalone)
Speaker: Dorcy Pruter of Conscious Co-Parenting Institute
Topic: Mediation
Location: Summer 2
AM Break (Mann Foyer) 10:40 am - 10:50 am
Breakout Sessions 10:50 am - 12:30 pm
Breakout 9 — A (Part 2)
Radical Candor and Other Communication Strategies
Speaker: Kathryn Lazar and Allison Bell
Topic: Mediation
Location: Mann 1 & 2
Breakout 9 — B (Part 2)
Mediating Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
Speaker: Laurie Israel
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Smoot
Breakout 10 — C (Standalone)
Mandatory Mediation is Not an Oxymoron
Speaker: Oran Kaufman, Kristina Bordieri, Judge David Sacks and Betsy Williams
Topic: Mediation
Location: Summer 1
Breakout 10 — D (Standalone)
Defending Questionable Cultural Practices in Court is Unethical
Speaker: Nadia Shahram
Topic: Mediation
Location: Summer 2
PM Break #1 (Checkout of Hotel if needed) (Mann Foyer)12:30 pm - 12:50 pm
Breakout Sessions 12:50 pm - 2:30 pm
Breakout 11 — A (Boxed Lunch) (Standalone)
Experts and Mediation: How to Bring Them in Without Popping the Safe Space Bubble
Speaker: Jennifer Hawthorne, Beth Aarons, Halee Burg, Justin Kelsey and Crystal Thorpe
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Mann 1 & 2
Breakout 11 — B (Boxed Lunch) (Standalone)
Creating a National Examination for Competency-based Credentialing of Divorce and Family Mediators
Speaker: Steven Menack, Marilyn McKnight and Stephen Erickson from the PMBS Board
Topic: Mediation
Location: Summer 2
Breakout 11 — C (Boxed Lunch) (Standalone)
Sex,Drugs & Rock'N Roll & What Happened to the Money
Speaker: Vicki Shemin, Susan Miller, Alexander D. Jones, Esq. and Chris Marquet
Topic: Financial & Mediation
Location: Smoot
Breakout 11 — D (Boxed Lunch) (Standalone)
Creative Options Related Tax Law
Speaker: Debra Smith, David Goodman & Cynthia Runge
Topic: Financial
Location: Summer 1
PM Break #2 (Mann Foyer)2:30 pm - 2:45 pm
Keynote/General Session 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Speaker: John Fiske & (Ken Neumann Moderating)
Topic: Fish Bowl Panel
Location: Mann 1 & 2
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